
At the place where prophecies converge the righteous lay slain

But will rise again to meet the ancient heroes

Who fought before them


Purveyors of evil lay claim to the same

But speak with forked tongues

And lay with devils and beasts and other men


Their sins begin with excess but grow and grow

Until they no longer resemble

The people they purport to represent

Whose banner they fly without permission

Whose name they use without comprehension


But appear more as the hideous spectres

Who would deny the Pathos of the Son of Mary

She who serves the Lord of Eternity

For if you can not weep as He did

At the devastation of innocents

Or at least show them pity

Verily you have chosen the side of evil


Nor do you choose how His prophecies come to pass

But merely guess at which and when they may so do

Indeed how is it you associate His Pathos

With those who would slaughter a Lamb?

Even offer him up for crucifixion?

They are now the very devils they used to serve


Further, you do not choose His instruments

If a people pleases Him and He desires they become His arm of righteousness

So it shall be

Perhaps some of them are not the best servants

Perhaps some of their brethren meant well but innovated His religion

Perhaps yet others are idolaters or worse

And perhaps some wars have nothing to do with prophecy

And those misled by charlatans delude themselves one and all


But surely God rewards the righteous for their efforts done in good faith

And verily He inspires and affirms the Pathos of her Son

And without doubt those who harm His children will face rebuke and torment